Have you ever experienced being an overbearing friend? It's quite an unusual feeling. Getting too involved tends to be a bad thing and the person you're focusing on will just end up slowly ignoring you. The options are to back off and be more casual, alienate yourself, stop hanging out with them, and maybe a few others. The obvious and correct answer is to be more casual. I've been on my own pretty much for about 2 weeks though, so got a bit too happy to have people to talk to and eventually got to the stage where I, to put it bluntly, shut the f*ck up. So for now I'm going to alienate myself. Just for a few days, to see how it goes.
I find myself at another crossroad in life where I can really make some changes - yes, it's the old "let's join new clubs!" time of the year. I've joined my usual sports clubs but something caught my eye in the shape of a rainbow logo. Is this the year I slowly make my way out of Narnia* and into the open world? Should I just announce "Sup guys, I have some changes to make" or something? I suppose what I'll decide will become apparent in the next 3 months. I'll try to keep you empty seats posts.
*Disclaimer - I was having a little fun with humour, I'm not intending anything of what I say to be offensive.
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